Saturday, March 2, 2013

Missing In Action


It's been quite some time since my last post - What's happened since I last spewed out my mind in the form of a blog?

  • Got married
  • Bought a house
  • Changed jobs
  • Did some overseas travel
  • Had a kid
Not bad a for a few years. 

I decided to write this blog post after reading my sister's blog +Angela Wall

My sister had a child last year, same as me. Now we are just waiting for the kids to get old enough so that we can race them...

1 comment:

Mama Ange said...

No, Shane. We will not be racing the girls. What is wrong with you! I have actually read all your blogs, I was wondering why you werent writing in it anymore! Thank you for reading mine - I assume Mum put you up to it!