I have recently watched the Zeitgeist movie http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ and I have been left thinking; do I feel inspired or out right petrified...
While I was raised a noncommittal Catholic, I always marveled a the absurdity of the story's told in the Bible. I do believe in the teaching and practice of good will towards your fellow man. But I know giving money to a church for the opportunity to have this message preached to me is redundant...
You know if you are doing the wrong thing, if you feel ashamed or guilty about your actions, you are probably doing the wrong thing. If you need to go to church every Sunday as an excuse to learn what you already know, you are a slave to ignorance.
While I do not think the people going to church are bad people, the institution they populate is feeding on their ignorance.
Watching the Zeitgeist movie has only made me realise this further. The comparison between the Egyptian sun god Horus and Jesus Christ just made laugh at the ludicrousness.
In relation to the monetary system, I would like to see the Venus Project mentioned through-out the documentary, if only because it is alarmingly similar to the Star Trek Universe....

Do yourself a big favour and watch the Zeitgeist movie. It makes great dinner conversation...