Why do I play? I think it is the sense of achievement you feel when you hand in a quest, level up or pick up some epic lootz. There in lies the hook. This satisfying sense that you have moved up, moved on, become better... Virtually. I guess it is the multi player aspect as well. I love teaming up with a few other nerds and ridding the country side of those pesky giant spiders.
This is my main toon at the moment, Straggle: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Barthilas&n=Straggle
I had a Rogue for a long time, but that account has been banned, so I have started again. I don't really mind all that much as I realise that I actually enjoy levelling more then raiding endgame dungeons for phat lootz. I do miss PvP however, as there is nothing more satisfying then killing Alliance Gnomes (I hate them like poison).
Time to go and kill me 30 Ogres.. They just never learn. WTFBBQHAX!!!!
Barrens Chat... You won't understand until you go there...

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