I arrived at the office to find a sleek black box on my desk. "AT LAST!" I thought with glee. I quickly unwrapped the rather simple packaging, crammed in the SIM and... Nothing. Being an IT person and failing to be-able to intuitively operate an Apple product is most embarrassing... Alas, I picked up the manual and skipped to the "Getting Started" section.
iTunes! Curses! This was the key to unlocking my iPhone misery. Not wanting to install iTunes at the office I would have to wait until I got home...
...8 anxious hours later I arrived at home, downloaded iTunes and signed up. I was confronted with the usual questionnaire... Username: This & Password: That... Wait a moment... Credit Card... Curses! I groaned at need to insert these details in order continue. Screw it! Next, next, next and I was in.
App Store. Great
iTunes. Great
Touch Screen. Great (novelty is still yet to wear off)
iBeer. Great
Now what? Can you expect something to exceed your expectations?
It's good, it works and I enjoying checking the footy scores on weekends when I am out and about... But what else is there?
I don't regret getting an iPhone, but I do get a feeling I am missing something... Something important... If you know what this might be, be sure to call me on my Blackberry.
Over and ouddy

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